10 July 2014

The saga continues.........

And so the saga continues.  For about a week and a half Caitlin has had these strange looking things on her legs. No one has been sure what they are. A dermatologist came for a look and she seemed to think they were chicken pox. Swabs were taken to check. Another lady came to have a look, she deals with infectious diseases ( sounds ominous), she seemed to think they could be chicken pox also. Because of this we were kicked off this ward and sent to level 5 (the dungeon) because of the risk to the other kids. Turns out they weren't chicken pox and we came back up to level 7 (which we now call the penthouse suite). We call it out sleepover on level 5.
Caitlin seems to have turned a corner and feels much better. Monday the catheter is coming out!!

1 comment:

  1. you girls are sure on a roller coaster ride! so if they weren't chicken pox what were they? roll on Monday when you can get rid of that catheter Caitlin!
